
Download PDF - Imdg Code 2018 Volume 2.pdf 42m815lnr4o1. VOLUMEINCORPORATING AMENDMENT 39-18 London, 2018 Published in 2018 by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION 4. VBook is a student choice mathematics instructional program, designed to allow students to select and learn any lesson or topic and to complete them with mastery-based requirements.

Suggestions of Use

The flexibility of vBook allows a number of options for instructors to implement the program successfully. vBook works with any learning environment and any student level. Below are some suggestions on how to use vBook in general, in conjunction with other iLearn programs, or by itself.

General Usage Tips

The design of vBook allows students to access any lesson or topic whenever they choose, but activity and mastery can be verified in the program-specific Reports.
vBook is different from iPASS and MyQ. iPASS is a true mastery-based program in which students must master content before moving forward. MyQ consists of queues created by an instructor, and the student can only work in the content an instructor assigns, also verifying mastery before advancing. vBook on the other hand, allows a student to learn any topic or lesson at any time.
Monitoring vBook reports you can quickly and easily verify that students are learning the content you assign, and not something else.

Book Reading App

In Conjunction with Other iLearn Programs

Students could have access to a number of different iLearn programs. Each can be used independently, in conjunction with another specific program, or all other iLearn programs.


vBook and All Other Programs

The programs and basic functionality are: VBook

Vbooks Pdf Reader

  • vBook – a student-choice instructional program giving access to any content at any time.
  • iPASS – a mastery-based instructional program that delivers only the content needed, starting with the earliest knowledge gap. Students proceed sequentially to higher content, based on skipping content by passing Challenge (Pre) Tests, and by passing Mastery (Post) Tests, with the program making content delivery decisions based on student performance.
  • MyQ – an instructor-controlled instructional program in which instructors assign queues of grouped content. Students can only access the content the instructor assigns, and only as assigned, in Fixed Order or Any Order.
  • iKnow – an instructor-controlled assessment program allowing instructors to assign tests. Students can only access the Topic Tests assigned.

Vbookz App


vBook by Itself

You can use vBook numerous ways, but we suggest you use it to maximum benefit for students in your learning environment. Use it to assign homework, by having students complete a specific Topic or Lesson. Use it to supplement classroom instruction by having students complete Practice sections on the topics covered in class, or by presenting Lesson Instruction in class. Also use vBook as a test preparation tool to review topics before a test. With such flexibility, vBook can help you and your students in any setting.