Yandere Wordpress

Note! Download hotspot shield premium. This site design is just temporary and when the game is more finished we will move to better hosting and a better system. Check out our progress below!
Yandere Simulator is a stealth game about stalking a boy and secretly eliminating any girl who has a crush on him, while maintaining the image of an innocent schoolgirl. This game is currently in development. A demo build is available here: Download Demo. Please keep in mind that the demo contains bugs, but is frequently receiving bug-fixing updates. Title: Yandere Imouto ni Aisaresugite Kozukuri Kankin Seikatsu Author: Chris Tina Illustrator: Takeuma 2-gou Character Introduction Nakata Ayane Top right Tomoya’s little sister. With extreme brother complex, she always wants to be by Tomoya’s side. This page will show you how to download YandereSimulator! You can download Yandere Simulator here It is very simple and easy. Macintosh computer price. Just check out the tutorial YouTube.
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LoveLorn December 2020 Development Log!
Yandere Wordpress Blog

Hello, It is a pleasure to have the first dev log. A Beginning On December 19th I wanted to create a new game project to try and make a new community and get hype around a project. Within the anime and yandere games genre I have looked closely and researched into them to see howContinue reading “LoveLorn December 2020 Development Log!”
Yandere Simulator Dev Wordpress

The next update I want to release requires a bunch of sweeping changes all throughout the game. I’m not sure how long it’ll take me to prepare that update, so before I begin working on it, I want to make extra-sure that the latest build of the game is as bug-free as possible. That’s the purpose of today’s build!

To see a list of everything that was fixed or changed in the latest build, please check out this beautiful artwork by OMGayano – if you’re a fan of Doki Doki Literature Club, you’ll instantly recognize the scene that this artwork is paying homage to!