Winamp Playback Speed
When comparing Winamp vs AIMP, the Slant community recommends AIMP for most people. In the question “What are the best audio players for Windows?”. AIMP is ranked 1st while Winamp is ranked 5th. Features I would liked to have seen. Ability to scroll through the different songs in the sid file instead of being stuck at 1 2. Channel off/on toggle for the 3 playback channels 3. Speed control, speed up the sid or slow it down other than that, thanks for the ol c64 memories;) - September 23, 2005 by TRIaXOR.
Activation & Uninstallation

Winamp Playback Speed Control
Using Winamp Player:
To enable PaceMaker
Start the Winamp playerapplication.
Go to Winamp preferences bychoosing 'Options->Preferences' from Winamp main menu (or push<ctrl+p> in the Winamp main window)
Choose entry'Plug-ins->DSP/Effect' on the property tree at left side of theWinamp Preferences window.
Choose 'PaceMaker tempocontroller' on the plug-in list (see picture below)
To close the PaceMaker window
Go to Winamp preferences asdescribed above
Choose entry'Plug-ins->DSP/Effect' on the property tree at left
Choose '(none)' on the plug-inlist (see picture below)

Using MediaMonkey Player:
To enable PaceMaker
Start the MediaMonkey playerapplication.
Go to MediaMonkey options bychoosing 'Tools->Options' in MediaMonkey application menu
Choose entry'Player->DSP Plug-ins' on the property tree at left side of the Options window.
Enable checkbox for 'PaceMaker tempo/pitchcontroller' in the plug-in list (see picture below)
To close the PaceMaker window
Go to MediaMonkey options asdescribed above
Choose entry'Player->DSP Plug-ins' on the property tree at left
Uncheck 'PaceMaker tempo/pitchcontroller' in the plug-in list (see picture below)
Uninstalling PaceMaker
Winamp Playback Speed Check
To permanently uninstall PaceMakerplug-in from your computer, go to Windows Control panel, select 'Add orRemove Programs' and uninstall PaceMaker from the list of software.