Winamp 3 Skins
Creating a Classic Skin: Introduction → The Base Skin → Paint the Main Window → Paint the Equalizer Window → Paint the Playlist Window → Paint the Minibrowser Window → Paint the AVS Window → Paint the Winamp 2.9/5.x Windows → Create Custom Cursors → Edit the Configuration Files → Compress to .WSZ format → Submit to
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Winamp Skin Zip Files (WSZ)
Winamp's woes: How the greatest MP3 player undid itself Ars Technica UK Enter Winamp, the skin-able, customizable MP3 player that 'really whips the llama's ass.' In the late 1990s, every music geek had a copy; llama-whipping had gone global, and the big-money acquisition offers quickly followed.
The last step you need to do before unleashing your Skin on the world is to convert it to the WSZ format. How do I do that, you ask? Just follow the following steps:
Author’s comment: “Neptune, it is the 8th planet from the sun, a roman god of the sea, a city in New Jersey and now a kickin Winamp 3 skin! Graphics & coding by RPETERCLARK. All components have been skinned, has two drawers for EQ and toggle buttons and a collapsable winshade mode.”. Archive skins for the great Winamp media player, download Winamp skins for free on Winamp Skins is a collection of 160 skins for Winamp that still work with the latest release including Winamp Lite and Winamp Full. These skins were discovered by Dan, a friend of MajorGeeks who recently found these 160 skins on a backup drive. With interest in Winamp resurging after the beta release, we thought our readers would enjoy these. A download winamp skins -,A Clockwork Orange,A 01,A aliyah1,A Clockwork Orange,A tribute to George Harrison,A Wonderful Life,a x advanced,A10Cuba.
- With your trusty zip compression tool of your choice, zip YOUR skin's folder (not the Winamp 'Skins' folder) into a .zip file.
- Rename the new file's extension from .zip to .wsz.
- Test it by removing your skin folder, then placing your .WSZ into the Winamp 'Skins' folder.
- Run Winamp, then press Alt-S to access the Skin browser. If you see your skin, then everything worked correctly.
- That's it! Pat yourself on the back, then take the next step and submit it to

WSZ History
A Winamp skin is composed of 45 files. Most of the files that create a skin are .BMPs (a very common image file type) and a few text files. When skin support was originally implemented, an artist would have to create those skins and place them into a subdirectory of the Winamp Skins folder (usually located in C:Program FilesWinampSkins
This started getting messy, because not all of the skin developers were creating subfolders when compressing their skins into a ZIP file for distribution. When an end-user uncompressed the files to the Winamp Skins folder, it would at times overwrite other skins. As a solution, we implemented the functionality into Winamp to read the .ZIP files directly. Then, an end-user would simply place the .ZIP file into their Winamp Skins folder; when using the Skin Browser in Winamp (ALT+S), the skin magically appeared and loaded, if selected.
This did clean up the mess. However, a new problem then surfaced: The .ZIP file format is a very widely used compression scheme and Winamp was just one of the many dozens of programs available to utilize it. We wanted users to be able to double-click the Skin ZIP file and have Winamp automatically install and load the skin. How do we do that without associating Winamp as the default program for handling skins? Answer: Rename the file extension.
We simply took all those compressed skins ending with the .ZIP extension and renamed them to end with .WSZ (Winamp Skin Zip). This allowed us to stay with the standard Winamp .ZIP files and not have to convert the thousands of skins available for download on the Internet. Any skins that are submitted to our site with filenames ending with .ZIP are automatically renamed to end with a .WSZ before published.
Why do all this, you ask? The answer is simple. We wanted to make it so that Winamp would automatically load the skin when a user clicked on a link to download a skin from Internet Explorer, as well as Netscape Navigator. We also wanted to make it so that if a user actually had downloaded the .WSZ file, all they would have to do is double-click it to install it.
What happens then? Well, when a person installs a .WSZ file, Winamp just copies the file to the Winamp Skins folder so that it can be handled correctly. You can also manually move the .WSZ file into your skin directory and Winamp will recognize it just as well.
Files with wal file extension can be found as program skins for version 3 of Winamp media player. Still usable even in latest version of the program.
There are 3 other file types using
the WAL file extension!
.wal - Quake 2 texture image format
.wal - Black & White II wall data
.wal - Developer One CodeWallet Pro data
Software that open wal file
Winamp 3 Skins Windows 10

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WAL file extension- Winamp 3 skin format
What is wal file? How to open wal files?
File type specification:
wal file icon:
The wal file extension is associated with Winamp media player for Microsoft Windows operating system.
The wal file contains skin used in Winamp version 3.
This format is also known as Winamp Modern Skin. There are also skins with wsz file extension, so called Winamp Classic Skins.
The default software associated to open wal file:
Company or developer:
Winamp is a legendary media player and one of the first major ones. It was first released in 1997 with latest version from late 2013. It was originally developed by Nullsoft, but now the brand is owned by Radionomy.
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Help how to open:
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You can import *.wal files to Winamp.
How to convert:
Probably cannot be converted to anything else.
List of software applications associated to the .wal file extension
Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open wal file, edit wal file, convert wal file, view wal file, play wal file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database).
Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting wal files.
Winamp 3.0
Software that import wal file - Winamp 3 skin format
Winamp 3 Skins Free
Programs supporting the exension wal on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about Winamp for import wal file action.
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Microsoft Windows: