What is routine?
Rutin is a bioflavonoid - a substance that gives color to plants and can perform a protective role for them. Pure routines are yellow or yellow-green in nature, and if viewed under a microscope, it looks like needle crystals. Routine consists of quercetin and disaccharide (rhamnose and glucose).
During the digestive process, most of the routine is metabolized into a special substance - quercetin, which is also a flavonoid, a plant pigment and an antioxidant.
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Other names of routine
Vitamin R, bioflavonoids, a complex of bioflavonoids, a concentrate of bioflavonoids, an extract of bioflavonoids
Sources of routine in nature
Rutin is found in many plants, fruits and vegetables. The richest source of routine is buckwheat. Rutin is also found in citrus, black tea, apple peel. Grapes and plums also contain vitamin R. When it comes to green vegetables, choose spinach. It contains a number of isoflavonoids, including vitamin R.

Daily rate of routine
It is from 25 to 50 mg a day. For women, an average of 20 mg, and for men from 28 mg.
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Vitamin-rich Face Face
The inclusion of vitamin P in the diet
Inclusion of sources of vitamin P in your daily diet is not difficult to organize. Citrus fruits, as well as fruit and vegetable juices are an excellent source of routine. The use of fruit in baking will not destroy the vitamins contained in them.
You can make jelly from black currants or other berries, make pancakes from buckwheat flour and come up with other tasty ways to add vitamin P to your diet.
Properties of rutin (vitamin P)
Found in various citrus fruits, vitamin P plays a big role in providing our body with vitamin C. Its properties affect the state of our blood and help our red blood cells - platelets - not stick together. Vitamin P also contributes to the health of capillaries, and also helps in their work, helps prevent capillary bleeding.

It is also great for those who are prone to bleeding gums, since this vitamin helps prevent and heal weak blood vessels located in the gums.
For those who often deal with colds, vitamin P can be a great help. It strengthens the immune system, this vitamin is needed to strengthen the body's natural defense against viruses and infections.
Vitamin P is also a natural anti-inflammatory drug and diuretic. This vitamin can help to overcome serious diseases - hypertension, allergies, the occurrence of wounds and ulcers.
Destroyers routine
There are several substances that can destroy vitamin P in the body. Among the most common destroyers - smoking tobacco, as well as alcohol consumption. Aspirin and a number of OTC painkillers can also destroy routines in the body system, enemies routine - antibiotics and cortisone.
To counteract these negative effects, you can change your lifestyle (stop smoking and drinking alcohol) and increase the amount of citrus in your diet.
Signs of lack of routine
- Fast fatiguability
- Hemorrhage in the retina
- Irritability
- Pain in the legs
- Pain in the shoulders
- Acne
- Bleeding gums
Signs of an overabundance of routine
With an overabundance of routine, there are no serious health hazards, since excesses of this substance are very quickly eliminated from the body with the products of decay. However, routine supplementation can cause some side effects, including headache, rash and upset stomach.
When is routine safe?
Routine is generally considered safe when consumed in reasonable quantities from foods such as citrus fruits, onions and apples.
Little is known about the safety of the long-term use of rutin and its additives. And yet we want to acquaint you with experiments that have shown the effectiveness of routine in the fight against serious diseases.
Routine and arthritis
Rutin shows promising results in the treatment of arthritis, as stated in a 2008 study conducted with a control group of patients with arthritic rats. In experiments on rats, the researchers found that rutozide helped in the fight against inflammation and reduced the clinical signs of arthritis.
Routine and inflammatory bowel disease
Preliminary studies show that routine can help in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases (eg, colitis). A study published by the US Institute of Natural Sciences said that tests in rats had a good effect on routine intake. As it turned out, it can help reduce the damage to colon tissue caused by colitis.
Routine and thrombi
The number one killer is called thrombosis (blood clots), which block the flow of blood to the heart or brain. New studies have found the effectiveness of a non-drug approach to preventing the formation of these blood clots. This strategy involves the use of routine.
A blood clot under appropriate conditions is life threatening, and therefore the need for safe, effective preventive and curative approaches is of great interest for medicine.
In recent studies, scientists have focused on routine as a substance that can fight many diseases. In particular, they isolated rutin from more than 5000 compounds as the most potent substance for controlling thrombosis. After extensive research and testing, the researchers found that 'Rutin was the most potent antithrombotic compound we've ever tested,' explained Robert Flownenhaft, senior study author and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.
Research: routine - for the health of veins
Routine can be useful for people with chronic venous insufficiency, according to a study published in the journal Minerva Cardioangiologica in 2001. Chronic venous insufficiency is a condition in which veins ineffectively return blood from the legs to the heart. It provokes such health problems as varicose veins, swelling of the ankles and night leg cramps.
To study 30 patients with chronic venous insufficiency, treatment was used with the combination of rutin, alpha-tocopherol (form of vitamin E), sweet clover and centella asian, which belongs to the parsley family. After 30 days of treatment, participants in the control group showed significant improvement in symptoms (such as swelling and convulsions). However, it is not known whether routine will be useful in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency if consumed without these additives.
Routine and varicose veins during pregnancy
Rutozide (a compound that is contained in the routine) can help treat varicose veins in pregnant women, according to a 2007 report published in the Cochrane Base for Systematic Reviews. In an analysis of three previously published clinical trials (involving a total of 159 women), the researchers determined that rutozide alleviates the symptoms of varicose veins in late pregnancy. Nevertheless, the authors of the review note that there is insufficient data to assess the safety of rutozide use during pregnancy.
How to use rutin for medical purposes?
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Due to the lack of scientific research, it is too early to recommend routine and routine additives for the treatment of dangerous health conditions. If you plan to use routine in the treatment of chronic diseases, first consult with your doctor. It is important to note that independent treatment of chronic diseases by routine and their prevention without a doctor's control can entail serious health consequences.