
  1. Proxifier For Windows
  2. Tor Using Proxifier

You can benefit from using Proxifier together with Tor ( Tor is a toolset for a wide range of organizations and people that want to improve their safety and security on the Internet. Using Tor can help you anonymize web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, SSH, and other applications that use the TCP protocol.

To use the Tor proxy, you must install the Tor browser and run it while you navigate on the Internet. Step 1: Download Tor on Your Computer Open the Tor browser download page in your Web browser and click the Download button to download the installer. Save the installer on your hard drive. Index of / 976 objects in this folder, 81.03 GB total. Size Last modified Name- 10:24 Adobe /- 17:02 corel /- 20:10 DMSoft /- 18:16 drivers /.

Proxifier for windows

Proxifier will allow you to use virtually any software with Tor in a very seamless way. For more information about installing and running Tor under Mac OS X please see:

Proxifier For Windows

To configure Proxifier to work with Tor please do the following:

1. Go to Options->Proxy_Settings and add Tor proxy:

2. In the Proxifier menu click Options->Proxification_Rules and create a new rule for the Tor application. That will allow Tor to connect the Internet directly:

(If you would only like to re-route certain applications through Tor, you should choose the 'Process Only the following' option and create rules for the applications. In this case, Tor itself should not be listed in the rules.)


3. You can also tell Proxifier to resolve DNS names through Tor. To do this, please click Options->Name_Resolution and select “Enable”.

4. Keep Proxifier running and launch Tor (Applications->Vidalia).

5. Make sure that proxy settings are disabled in the Mac Network Preferences.

Tor Using Proxifier

From this moment all connections on the system (with regards to the Proxifiecation Rules) will be established through Tor.