Out of 9 user reviews. OmegaT is a free and open source multiplatform computer Assisted Translation tool with fuzzy matching, translation memory, keyword search, glossaries, and translation leveraging into updated projects. Downloaded close to 900,000 times since its first release, OmegaT is developed by and for.

Omegatale Sans

Most translators usually use a CAT tool (Computer Assisted Translation tool). Those applications are very useful, the are used as glossary or translation memory.
They work as a customizable glossary of terms. Furthermore, the translator create and grow the database each time he translates a sentence, because the sentence is stored, and next time the original sentence is similar, it will appear in the window tha fuzzy translation.
The only problem is that those CAT tools are expensive, but don't worry, OmegaT is totally free and it works pretty well.
If you are getting started in the world of CAT tools, OmegaT is a good choice. You won't spend any money and you'll get a good quality program. Download it, you won't be dissapointed.
They work as a customizable glossary of terms. Furthermore, the translator create and grow the database each time he translates a sentence, because the sentence is stored, and next time the original sentence is similar, it will appear in the window tha fuzzy translation.
The only problem is that those CAT tools are expensive, but don't worry, OmegaT is totally free and it works pretty well.
If you are getting started in the world of CAT tools, OmegaT is a good choice. You won't spend any money and you'll get a good quality program. Download it, you won't be dissapointed.
OmegaT is a computer-assisted translation tool written in the Java programming language.It is free software originally developed by Keith Godfrey in 2000, and is currently developed by a team led by Aaron Madlon-Kay. This is a friendly reminder to notify you that OmegaT 2.3.0 has been released as a standard version to superseed 2.0.5. Hleem commented on 2011-03-09 20:58.
- The multilingual translation process with the combination of Okapi and OmegaT was brought into attention by the needs of localizing client’s XML content generated from their Content Manage System, where Unicode support for some rare languages such as Khmer and Lao is a must on the one hand, and taking advantage of Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tool to maximally attain.
- Although OmegaT is a free application, it offers various functions. I think this application will be a good alternative to those who want a free royalty-free CAT tool. Categories Uncategorized, CAT Tools.