Libreoffice Mac M1
LibreOffice, Apple iWork, and Calligra are probably your best bets out of the 5 options considered. 'Free, open source and cross-platform' is the primary reason people pick LibreOffice over the competition. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision. First check the system requirements before installing LibreOffice on macOS. Download the.DMG file from the download page. Open the.DMG file by double-clicking on it. An installation window appears: drag and drop the LibreOffice icon onto the Applications icon in the same window. You may be required to enter your administrator password. 7.0.5 This version is slightly older and does not have the latest features, but it has been tested for longer. For business deployments, we strongly recommend support from certified partners which also offer long-term support versions of LibreOffice. LibreOffice 7.0.5 release notes. LibreOffice also aborts immediately for me also with Big Sur. Big Sur (afaik) is still Beta (10?) software, so don't expect many users here having it available for testing purposes.
Télécharger LibreOfficeLinux (64-bit) (rpm)
macOS (64-bit)
Windows (32-bit)
Windows (64-bit)
Torrent, Informations
Si vous êtes un passionné de technologie, un adepte précoce ou un utilisateur expérimenté, cette version est faite pour vous !Notes de version de LibreOffice 7.1.2
Téléchargements supplémentaires :
- Key management software for the new OpenPGP feature (external site)
Linux (64-bit) (rpm)
macOS (64-bit)
Windows (32-bit)
Windows (64-bit)
Torrent, Informations
Si vous déployez LibreOffice en entreprise ou dans un environnement professionnel ou que vous êtes un utilisateur conservateur, veuillez choisir cette version. Pour les déploiements professionnels, nous vous recommandons fortement le support de professionnels certifiés qui offrent également des versions à support à long terme de LibreOffice. Notes de version de LibreOffice 7.0.5
Téléchargements supplémentaires :
Libre For Mac
- Key management software for the new OpenPGP feature (external site)

SDK and Sourcecode
Download the SDK
45 MB (Torrent, Info)
Download the Sourcecode
- libreoffice-
233 MB (Torrent, Info) - libreoffice-dictionaries-
45 MB (Torrent, Info) - libreoffice-help-
107 MB (Torrent, Info) - libreoffice-translations-
176 MB (Torrent, Info)

Operating Systems
LibreOffice 7.1.2 is available for the following operating systems/architectures:
Available Versions
LibreOffice is available in the following released versions:
LibreOffice is available in the following prerelease versions:
Older versions of LibreOffice (no longer updated!) are available in the archive
Free download computer programs. Choose operating system
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How do I install LibreOffice?
System requirements
Business users: click here
LibreOffice for Android and iOS
App Stores and Chromebooks
Development versions
Portable versions & DVD images
LibreOffice as Flatpak
LibreOffice as Snap
LibreOffice as AppImage
LibreOffice via Chocolatey
clicking on LIbreOffice sets application name in top left of screen then aborts.log contains:

08:19:04[1]: Coalition Cache Hit: app<> [20553]=' 08:19:06='[1]=' ([5585]):=' service=' exited=' with=' abnormal=' code:=' 1<=' p='>
mac os Big Sur Beta 11.0.1 20B5012d

Libreoffice Arm
And what is your question (this reads more or less like a bug report)? At the apple store.
LibreOffice also aborts immediately for me also with Big Sur. Has anyone got it to work?
LibreOffice also aborts immediately for me also with Big Sur.
Big Sur (afaik) is still Beta (10?) software, so don't expect many users here having it available for testing purposes.

Lots of people have big sur now, maybe they just don't use libre. Either way my libre did the same and wont start, arrived here following google search. Answer probably is that if it doesn't work re-install it, if that doesn't work try version 7, if that doesn't work try openoffice, if that doesn't work use word! That's what I'm going to try anyway.
I'm following you suspicion:
Libreoffice Mac Mini M1
Install 7.0.3 - Versions lower than 7 do not work (and write a nice letter to Apple)