Kill Winamp


Kill White is a Photoshop Filter that actively removes white from an image (unlike the ‘Multiply’ blend mode), perfectly leaving the rest of the image, whether the image is black-and-white or color. However, this is not simple masking. Pixels that are partly transparent are altered so as to only remove the white portion. Downloads: 91, Size: 0.44 MB, License: freeware. Kill Winamp1.61 - Winamp computer timer w. Limit songs funtcion Either closes or stops winamp or turns the computer off after a certain number of minutes or songs played. Software piracy is theft, Using 'Kill Winamp' crack, password, serial numbers, registration codes, key generators is illegal and prevent future development of Kill Winamp. Everyone’s first music player is finally being killed off by AOL on 20 December after a glorious 15 year run. You know the history of the company, but what about the history of.

Much-loved media player Winamp will shutter on December 20, 2013, the company has announced, with the AOL-owned software planning to cease all of the related web services and yank the official download. The news, quietly announced alongside version 5.66 of the software, ends fifteen years of the app being offered, with the Winamp team warning that anybody wanting a copy before it’s pulled should download soon.

AOL acquired Winamp creators Nullsoft back in June 1999, paying $80m in stock at the time. Since then, the software has been gradually developed – most recently adding new Windows 8 support and the capability of importing an iTunes Library.

However, the rise of the iPod and its companion iTunes software, along with streaming media services like Spotify, meant that Winamp’s appeal waned. The team tried to broaden its footprint with an Android app, but it’s unclear how many users upgraded to either the desktop or mobile Pro versions.


AOL had intended to use Winamp technologies as part of its own AOL Media Player. However, that app never made it past beta status, and was discontinued in 2005.

“ and associated web services will no longer be available past December 20, 2013” the company said today. “Additionally, Winamp Media players will no longer be available for download. Please download the latest version before that date. Thanks for supporting the Winamp community for over 15 years.”

About this site

I've started a blog called Coding Tidbits.Other than that, I don't update this site very often.It's primarily used to publish some old talks and host the website of a game I made a decade and a half ago.

Destruction II

A 2D two-player split screen action game :)

Kill Winamp

A really simple Winamp/computer timer. Very old but still popular :)

A step towardss eye view of desktop parallelism,
Part 2 - Zooming in on C++0x's memory model

The first part of the thesis is an overview of the paradigmatic shift to parallelism that is currently taking place. It explains why processors need to become parallel, how they might function and which types of parallelism there are. Given that information, it explains why threads and locks is not a suitable programming model and how threading is being improved and used to extract parallel performance. It also covers the problems that await new parallel programming models and how they might work. The final chapter surveys the landscape of existing parallel software and hardware projects and relates them to the overview. The overview is intended for programmers and architects of desktop and embedded systems.

The second part explains how to use C++'s upcoming memory model and atomic API. It also relates the memory model to classical definitions of distributed computing in an attempt to bridge the gap in terminology between the research literature and C++. An implementation of hazard pointers and a lock-free stack and queue are given as example C++0x code. This part is aimed at expert C++ developers and the research community.

Download pdf (about 850kb)Download code (about 20kb)

C++ talks

These are slides from some C++ related talks I've held. Game developers beware, many of them are not very applicable to console development :)

Kill winamp onlineGeneric programming introduction - An introduction to generic programming and a comparison with object orientation

Kill Winamp

- Explains why an Optional<T> implementation is so useful, even for gamesKill winamp downloadKill Winamp
Static modeling - On avoiding bugs by keeping your program's state space as small as possible, by checking and typing up early
Higher order programming - Explains basic type safe implementation and how to use functional programming in C++. Game devs should perhaps check out FastDelegate and this post instead.


Boost candy - Boost intro and example usage of some boost libraries. These libraries are C++0x standardized by now.

Kill Winamp Movie

Modern C++ workshop Part 1 and Part 2 - Slides for a workshop where I teached modern C++
RAII intro

Kill Winamp Game

- Explains what the RAII pattern is and what it's good for