Glyphicon Cheat Sheet

  1. Bootstrap 5 Icons
  2. Glyphicon Cheat Sheet

These are notes by Jim Pickrell on how to use Bootstrap. They are succinct as possible and rely on examples rathern than explanation. The layouts are sizeable ('responsive'). Try making your browser larger and smaller to see how they handle this. View source code to see how the examples work.

Bootstrap Cheat Sheet with Examples. These are notes by Jim Pickrell on how to use Bootstrap. They are succinct as possible and rely on examples rathern than explanation. The layouts are sizeable ('responsive'). Try making your browser larger and smaller to see how they handle this. View source code to see how the examples work. Glyphicon cheatsheet 23 Sep 2014 Glyphicons are included as part of Bootstrap, here are the html entities used for the glyphs. Print this page to PDF for the complete set of vectors. Or to use on the desktop, install FontAwesome.otf, set it as the font in your application, and copy and paste the icons (not the unicode) directly from this page into your designs. Search for icons from Font Awesome, Foundation, Glyphicons, IcoMoon, Ionicons, Material Design, and Octicons. All Font Awesome Foundation Glyphicons IcoMoon Ionicons Material Octicons. Markup Class Name Unicode Hex HTML Entity. Made by Thomas Park. Sponsor Me. Powered by Algolia.

Bootstrap 5 Icons

The original Bootstrap library and source are available here:

Insert these lines in the header of your page. The meta tag to sets the initial scale to 1. The next three lines link to remote copies of the Bootstrap and Jquery files. If you do it this way you don't need to have your own copy of the bootstrap files.


The Bootstrap method for layout is called 'grid'. The screen layout is divided into twelve columns ('grids'). When you create an object, you can decide how many of these columns to use by usin a class such as 'col-xs-1'. The grid should be placed inside a div with or 'container-fluid'.

Glyphicon Cheat Sheet

Glyphicon Cheat Sheet

Here's all twelve columns separately. Make the browser window narrower and wider to see how the columns move around.