Backblaze B2 Cdn


Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage delivers proven, amazing cost-effective cloud storage with no hidden fees or strings attached. Often referred to as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) or object storage, B2 Cloud Storage enables developers, IT people, and others to easily store mass volumes of data in the cloud. Innovative Companies Build on B2 Cloud Storage Organizations around the world choose Backblaze to solve for their use cases while improving their cloud OpEx vs. Amazon S3 and others. Why Backblaze B2. Backblaze B2 is a cheap alternative to AWS S3. For only 0.005 USD per GB Storage and 0.01 USD per GB transfer per month it is much cheaper than other S3 services. If you are using Backblaze and Cloudflare together it is even cheaper, because you are saving the 0.01 USD transfer cost. We use BackBlaze for corporate end point backups (imp laptops/desktops), not B2-Cloudflare integration though. The way it'll work is that the B2 storage will act as the Origin from where the Cloudflare POPs will pull the data and cache. From your server new files will get automatically synced to BB. Storing Content in Backblaze B2 for a CDN. Many customers have expressed interest in hosting static data for their website (ranging from minified Javascript applications to multi-hour 8K video) because of the security, reliability, and affordability of Backblaze B2 storage.

Using your Backblaze B2 storage bucket as an origin for a pull zone in PUSHR CDN is easy. Here is how to do it:

1. Create a bucket


Backblaze B2 Calculator

Create a new storage bucket in your Backblaze dashboard. Remeber to set the bucket to Public

If you already have a storage bucket, you can use it instead.

2. Find the URL of your bucket

Backblaze b2 deduplicationBackblaze b2 cdn key

To find the URL of your bucket, upload a file and click on the info icon next to it.

3. Create a CDN pull zone

Backblaze B2 Cdn Visa

Copy the bucket URL and and head over to your PUSHR dashboard to create a new pull zone. Use the bucket URL as an origin.